3 Weeks in Vietnam Itinerary – Part 1 Hanoi to Phong Nha

3 Weeks in Vietnam Itinerary – Part 1 Hanoi to Phong Nha

Packed with colour, culture and wonderful scenery, Vietnam is an intriguing and affordable destination that appeals to all ages.  Ed and his friends spent 3 weeks in Vietnam in July. This post covers the first leg of their journey, with must-sees from a Halong bay day trip and 3 days in Hanoi to Phong Nha with its caves and treks. Read on for their Vietnam itinerary. 

Where to go in April Guatamala

family holidays in April: where to go with teens

The school Easter holidays are a great time to plan a family trip.  Everyone’s ready for some sunshine and teens need a break after a busy school term.  I asked three travel experts, whose companies specialise in tailor-made trips, for their  recommendations for family holidays in April. Here are their inspiring suggestions: from rest-and-revision in Lanzarote to beach and adventuring in Belize.

photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash

The ultimate camping list for a family trip – free printable

Schools are back, the mornings are chillier but that needn’t mean holidays are over. Autumn can be a lovely time of year for a family camping trip.  Weekends away in the country, scrunching through leaves on woodland walks or catching a glowing sunset at the seaside are a brilliant antidote to term time stress. Here’s the ultimate family camping checklist to help you pack.